We’ll be here when you’re ready to go there

It’s fair to say 2020 has been a rude awakening. For many of us, the impact on our lives has been truly significant and like nothing we’ve ever endured before. Despite the well documented impact on our beloved industry, we fiercely support the need to beat this virus as a top priority.

The importance of mental health has only been emphasised during this pandemic and with life on pause, it’s certainly offered time to reflect on what’s most important in life – a chance to reset. Although holidays are indeed a luxury, we want to acknowledge the small part we play in supporting your wellbeing – giving you that much needed time away and something to look forward to, whether pure relaxation or a once in a lifetime experience. We know that this disruption is upsetting and often frustrating for many, even if it’s for the greater good.

But as sure as Spring follows Winter, this too will end. We are already seeing signs of a return to normality and as the world recovers, we’re looking forward to seeing a return to travel too. We know not everyone will feel confident enough to travel immediately, whilst others will be desperate to get away on their hard-earned escape, and that’s ok. Our suppliers are working tirelessly to make your travel safe.

Our promise to you is that we’re here whenever you’re ready. If you want to plan your 2021 trip now so you have something exciting on the horizon, we can help you do this in a way that protects your best interests. If you want to see how the land lies before planning a last-minute getaway, we are here to pull that together for you with every detail considered. If you have a trip with us you need to postpone to a later date, you can rely on us to do all the negotiation with suppliers on your behalf.

With the state of play more complex to navigate than ever, our expertise and understanding of this industry has never been so crucial. Giving our customers absolute peace of mind whilst we take care of your dreams is what we’ve always done. And that remains our single-biggest commitment to you.

So whatever you need, we’re here.

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